/It’s been a while - three years - since I have posted. In the fall of 2018, I was job hunting. The school I was teaching at was closing. In January 2019 I started as the ADA Coordinator at our local community college. It’s a great fit! Having been a classroom teacher, I understand what is required to implement accommodations as well as how they help students access the curriculum.
There was a huge learning curve with the ADA law! Most of 2019 was spent learning about technologies, laws, student names, and essential elements of curriculums. Then in 2020, a pandemic started and accommodations changed. Students who had not needed accommodations now did with video conferenced classes. Some accommodations were implemented differently in online and video conferenced classes. Meeting students and obtaining documentation changed when we could not meet in person. It was very busy!
This year has settled back down. I am back to blogging.
I want to get back to traveling and seeing friends & family. I hope you are all hanging in there. Enjoy your time with those you love.