Silent reading CAN work!

The ability to read silently for fifteen to twenty minutes is a life skill.

And too many times we fail our high school students by not teaching this skill because it is difficult.

But it can work and it can happen!  I know because it happened in my classroom with all five classes multiple years.

I teach High School Intensive Reading.  Few of these students are readers and most are very vocal about not reading. I love challenges and puzzles, so how to make silent reading effective and enjoyable? 

Here’s what works for me and my students:

Tell the students the week before and take them to the library for books.  I also have books and magazines in the room on a variety of topics and levels.  No excuses.  Everyone has something to read! 

I write it on the board Thursday and Friday before it starts on Monday. 

Mon, Wed, Fri:  Silent Reading 15 – 20 minutes, graded

 (You may not read a textbook for another class.)

As a teacher I have to remember that most of them hate reading and find it exhausting.  Like any other muscle, reading muscles have to be built up, which takes time and practice. 



Me:  Get your books out or find one on the shelf.

Students: (some get them out, some get up and look, some just sit)

Me(walking around checking on everyone):  Everybody’s got something to read?  No, you may not read your history – doesn’t count….Your  grade is for reading – not looking around, not on one page the entire time, not looking at other stuff, not sitting with your eyes closed – reading the words and turning the pages.  

Me (going to those with nothing to read):  Do you have something or do you need something from the bookcase?  (Usually they get up and go look, but sometimes I bring them choices.)

THE GRADE:  I do not ask them to write anything down.  I watch and observe.  Students get credit for the time they read, so if someone starts later or stops early, they get 60% - 75%.  Typically the grades are 0% (very rare), 30%, 50%, 75% and 100%.  The first two to three weeks I am a bit more generous to encourage the behavior and reward the effort.

THE TIMING:  The first two to three weeks some will only read about five minutes.  I start timing from when they start getting books out.  I stop timing once the last few have read five or six minutes and at least fifteen minutes have passed.   It is truly exhausting for many of them!

ME: (when everyone’s settled, I  read)

ME (when the last few to get books have read five or six minutes and at least fifteen minutes have passed):  Finish the sentence you’re on and put your books up.

YOU, the teacher, MUST READ!  It is vitally important that you read something fun, not a textbook or academic.  It must be fun.  You MUST MODEL it.

REALITY:  Students often take ten minutes to start reading the first couple of weeks.  I repeat the “get books out, everybody reads, do you need a book” comments every day of silent reading initially.  Even after they settle in more quickly, they will tire quickly and get restless.  For this reason, weeks two and three may only involve ten to twelve minutes of actual reading.  

I watch the point at which they get restless and add one or two minutes.  I maintain the same time for three days before increasing it by another minute or two.  At about four weeks most classes take two to three minutes to get settled and read about fifteen minutes.  I then vary whether we read fifteen or twenty minutes depending on the rest of the day’s assignments.  Some classes settle in and read comfortably for the time and some classes still get restless by the end.  It’s ok either way.

ASK ABOUT THEIR READING MATERIALS!  From day one ask those that read the shortest time what they chose, did they like it, do they want to read it next time or choose something different.  This is essential to getting them engaged in their material.  Some students will choose a different item every time.  That’s ok; let them have that freedom.  It gives them control and power, which will increase their joy of reading.  They just have to read something.

I allow them to read digital copies, but the device must be visible, so I can walk by and see that it is actual paragraphs and not social media or texting.

THAT ONE CLASS:  I had one class that was unique from all the others.  They always took ten minutes to get settled – ALWAYS.  After nine weeks, they still took ten minutes.  At the end of the semester, they still took ten minutes. HOWEVER, after four weeks they were easily and comfortably reading for twenty minutes every time – EVERY SINGLE TIME!  So, I adjusted the lessons to allow that class the thirty minutes needed for silent reading.  Your unique class may be unique in a different way, but when they work up to reading fifteen to twenty minutes, then it is well worth it.

Silent reading is wonderful.  We must take the time and make the effort to teach our students this skill.

Didn't vs Can't

Didn't means "I can, but decided not to."

Didn't means irresponsible.

Didn't means lazy.

Can't mean unable.

Can't means "I don't know how."

Can't means stupid.

They will choose Didn't over Can't every time.

They will be lazy and irresponsible over stupid and unable.

Most of my students don't complete all the assignments.  This was hard to grasp at first.  All those zeros!  After a few weeks I realized those students were in two groups:  1.) Maintain a B or C average and only complete what's necessary to do that, and 2.) Didn't over Can't.

Didn't over Can't will fail the class by doing nothing, so they don't have to confirm that they are stupid.  Always.  Every time.

It's hard to overcome dozens of people and many years reinforcing this idea they are stupid.  It takes weeks or months or all year to convince them they can.  It takes patience and repetition.  Lots of patience and repetition.

I start with things they cannot fail.  For each new skill, we do the first practice assignment together with me reading the passage, marking the text, and answering the questions - modeling what I expect of them and how to find the answers.  The grade is based on them copying what I do.  (Warning:  don't expect all 100s on this.)  With the second practice assignment, I read the passage, they tell me how to mark the text, and they tell me the answers to the questions.  Either they or I explain how they got the answers.  Again, the grade is mostly based on them copying what we did as a class. 

Then the third and fourth practice assignments they work individually or together.  I walk around, ask questions, and ask them for their answers.  I ask Why they got the answer they got, for both right and wrong answers.  Talk them through the thinking process with questions leading to the answer.  Make them read all or part aloud, as needed.  

Always start with the non-struggling students to model what the process looks like.  The non-struggling students, or at least the less struggling or most confident students, will appreciate the help.  They won't be embarrassed by the questions or the attention.  They will model what help looks like and how to ask and answer questions.


Praise right answers: Good!  Perfect! Excellent! You got it.

Even the simplest answer.  Don't be overly excited like you're surprised.  Just confirmation that they got the right answer.  

As the year goes forward, many of the Didn't over Can't will start to Do.  It's very exciting!  However, don't show your excitement until they do.  Don't make a big deal over it, unless they are "asking" for a big deal over it. 

There will still be some that Don't and won't.  Sometimes you will find that they have learned a lot, but still won't Do.  Sometimes you will find that they have learned other skills, which are as or more important, but can't really be graded for class.  There is only so much you can do.  They are still responsible for their actions.

Always greet them and expect work from them.  Never show exasperation or frustration with them.  Always reinforce that they can and that you know they can.


It's the most difficult time of the year!

It's the holidays!  For many of us that means fun, family, excitement, and some stress.

For many of my students that just means stress - more alcohol and drug use by them or others, how to get presents for younger siblings when money's tight, uncomfortable family times, more violence at home, more being home alone, more people in the house, more unpredictable behaviors, more guilt for not being happy, more tears and sadness and loneliness.

Mary came in one day very panicked and upset:  Dad had announced she would bake the Thanksgiving turkey this year.  She was on her own to figure it out.  We did a lesson on text structure, including sequence and cause/effect and reviewed cooking turkeys and other traditional foods. 

In his "What I did over break" paper, Tarrell said that he was crying Christmas morning, because he missed his brother who had died two years ago.  His dad came to his room and told him "cut it out and get dressed."

One year I had five students who were spending their first holiday season without significant loved ones and they weren't suppose to talk about it, because it might make Mom cry.

Julie hates the holidays because her uncle always visits.  He is creepy and tries to be alone with her.  She spends most of her holiday at a friend's house or right next to her parents.

I don't ignore the holidays.  We always do holiday related stories and articles.  Among those are articles on dealing with stress and what causes stress at the holidays.  Challenging behaviors can increase, because there are too many emotions going on and they spill out. Acknowledge the hard parts and the emotions.  Use stories to talk about it and let them write about it.  Be compassionate when they have a hard day.

Be sensitive.  The best advice I ever got for the holidays was "find a rut and stay in it".  Have fun, but don't do too much that's new and different.  Stability is very calming and reassuring.

Classroom Management

The biggest question asked about teaching, particularly those students who can be challenging in the classroom, is what about classroom management. 

Classroom management is really about behaviors and relationships, most of the time.  There are exceptions.  My suggestions apply to teens and young adults.  They are based on my experience and my personality, so they may not work the same for you and may need to be adapted to your style.

I have 4 rules:  Be safe.  Be polite.  Ask questions.  Be here.

For me everything hinges on a relationship between me and each individual student, as well as the class as whole.  Yes, those are all different relationships.

Typically, my students respond to respect.  I AM RESPECTFUL TO THEM.  I EXPECT POLITENESS FROM THEM.  I do not look down on them.  I expect to learn from them.  I could be a peer, co-worker, or subordinate to them at another place of business.  When I worked at the bookstore, I had co-workers who were 17 and sometimes they trained me when I covered a department.  So, my view of them is not as underlings, but as someone who needs to learn what I am teaching.  At some point I may need to learn what they are teaching.

I give them respect first.  Many of my students are accustomed to being talked down to,  picked on, and harassed by teachers and staff.  That cannot happen in my room.  I will correct them and I have been corrected by them.  I speak to them as I do to other adults.  I expect them to act like adults.  Sometimes we have lessons on tone of voice and they restate what they are telling me more politely.

I ask politeness from them.  Many adults want and demand respect.  Respect is earned.  When I earn it, I will get it.  Politeness is just a behavior, not contingent on the feelings.  The student can be polite to me, while despising me.  This is ok.

I also focus on what I really want and need from each student.  Do I need them to sit quietly, feet on the floor, reading silently?  Or do I need them to read?  Why is it bad if they correct me, if I made a mistake?  Can he pace the back of the room or stand while he reads?  Why can't he?  Why is it cute when she does it, but rude when he does it?

Honesty with myself is extremely important.  The WHY is enormously important.  So, yes, sometimes she stands when she reads.  And he paces when he reads (and on bad days, when he's listening to me read.)  Yes, he can tell me that I only point out when he is talking and not when others are talking. (Yes, he had to restate it without the attitude, but the message was important for me to hear.)  I need them to read.  I need them to not hate reading.  And with that goes some leeway on how they read.  

There are lots of hallway conversations, because some of them have crappy lives outside of school.  I keep peanut butter and crackers on hand, because some don't get breakfast or can't handle the crowds for lunch.  Everyone gets to have a bad day once or twice a year.  The work still has to be done, but maybe it can be done as homework or tomorrow.  Maybe the student just needs down time right now, because they are overwhelmed.  My students can move their desks to the side and tell me they need me to not bother them right now.  (Sometimes I make the suggestion to them.)  It gives them power, control, and choice.  

I let them have the last word.  I control their grade and dean referral - I have the ultimate last word.  She needs to mutter under her breath as she sits down and starts working - OK.  He needs to move slowly getting his stuff out "to show me" - OK.  They are done with the problem and back to work.  That is my goal.

Can they tell me it's stupid?  Of course.  If I can make it more interesting, great!  If not, all jobs have stupid stuff, so it's just practice for life.

Does it work?  Yes.  Do I still have issues sometimes? Yes.  Do I always get it right?  No.  But when it works, it's beautiful!  

I had a group of six young men in one class that did nothing.  They weren't loud or disruptive, just did nothing.  Their grade averages on report cards were in the 20s and 30s.  The principal popped in one day during silent reading.  I noticed that the whole group of six had books out and were turning pages appropriately.  When the principal left, one of them called me over.  "You gotta tell us when he's coming. You shouldn't get in trouble cuz we don't wanna do anything."  

Had one student who did ok, but didn't always follow along during group activities and readings.  I noticed he had his book open (He was seated where he could see out the door.) and was looking at it.  A group from the district office came in and he showed them where we were and answered questions.

I had a student who came and spent his lunch in my class.  He wasn't that fond of reading, but it kept him out of trouble during lunch. 

Why tell you about these guys?  Because respect goes a very long ways and they will repay it.  Maybe with work, but maybe with their behaviors.  These three spent much of their time suspended, skipping, and mouthing off to staff.  I didn't see much of that behavior after the first 2-3 weeks.  Why are the examples only guys?  Because unfortunately, most of my students are young men. 

Most classroom management hinges on the relationships.  Take the time.  Get to know them.  Give respect.  Expect politeness.  Teach politeness.   

What are you gonna write about?

The blog will mostly be stuff I've learned teaching, counseling and working with kids. Suggestions I give new teachers, parents, and students. Some will be teaching ideas. Some will be observations. Some will be how teaching influences us outside of class and how outside of class influences teaching. Our life experiences and our students' life experiences all come together so no two classes are the same.

Once in a while I will comment on current events and issues in education or other areas of life.  Everything influences you and your classroom.

Why Jolly Ranchers & Rabbit Trails?  An awesome title thanks to a friend.

Jolly Ranchers refer to the actual candy themselves.  They are great as a reward, a just-because treat, and as motivation.  I have had students who would complete the work for the Jolly Rancher, but not for a grade. 

The rabbit trails refer to chasing rabbits, which are called Teachable Moments in the classroom.  A great deal of learning takes place in the stories and off-topic conversations and discussions.  Usually the topics do relate back to the academic topic, but not always.


About me & why I am writing

Who am I?  

My name is Kathryn Coxwell.  

I love family & friends, the beach, travel, puzzles, mysteries, mountains, horses, science, history, teaching, learning, dogs, campfires, 'smores, and adventures.  I was married almost fifteen years before he died.  I have a stepson.  I have three dogs. I love Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Disney.

I have a Bachelor's in Social Work from Baylor University with a minor in Russian. (No, I can't speak or read it much any more and I wasn't good at it back then.)  I have an MBA from the University of West Florida.

Most of my time has been as a counselor or teacher with at-risk teens and adults, known as alternative ed in most schools.  I have worked at an Eckerd Wilderness Camp, Waterfront Rescue Women's Homeless Shelter, PACE Center for Girls, Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Santa Rosa County School District, the USO, Escambia County School District, and currently Pensacola State College Collegiate High School as well as just starting with VIPKID.  

I prefer working with teens and adults.   I don't do middle school well.

So, why am I writing?

The idea of me writing a book or blog has come up sporadically over the last several years and quite a few times in the last six months.  So, here I am!

There's so much for an experienced teacher to share with new teachers, especially in classroom management.

There's so little on teens and high school that's easy to find.  My time at the PACE Center had an enormous impact on my classroom management style and I cannot imagine being a new teacher without those skills.

My teaching style is eclectic - a little of this, a little of that.  I teach like my grandmothers cooked (I don't cook that way, though.)  

So, that is me.


About Me.....Home

This first entry was to be about me - who I am, why I'm writing.  But as I started writing, the focus turned to the idea of Home.

I teach, and have primarily worked with, challenging populations, often called at-risk populations.

As I was writing about me, I recalled the moment that I realized many of my students don't have Home, as a warm, loving place or person, not just a physical location.

I was raised in a loving, stable home with friends and family who were there when needed.  I always knew I was loved and had many people with whom I could talk.  No matter where I was or what was going on, I could always go home - sometimes physically, sometimes mentally. Often I could just go home to my house and parents and family, or call them for support, advice, and love.  If I couldn't go home physically, I could go home in my imagination - memories of holidays, dinners, grandparents, numerous conversations of advice, stories, love.

Many of my students don't have that - life is not stable, there are few stories (few happy ones), there aren't great memories, no one to ask questions.  Even when there is love, there is a lot of chaos.

They don't have Home to go to - physically or mentally. 

Everyone needs Home.  

I realized my classroom needs to be that kind of space for them - a safe, stable place to be.  A place to regroup, ask questions, learn, hear stories, feel safe, make mistakes, vent.

I try to be fair, consistent, encouraging, listening.

Often I get it right.  Sometimes I don't.  

Their behaviors will tell me far more accurately than any words.

And I adjust and we adapt and we create our own version of Home for our short time together.